App 4.0

New technology.

Fabapp Commerce

Your showcase with
checkout on whatsapp

Made simply so you can sell more.

List 4.0

Engaged and
well-informed users!

We add ratings and comments
to the list items and add it to the GPS location.

  • Map

    Google coordinates right in the app, for your user to trace a quick route! You can make the selection directly on the Google map or place coordinates, such as latitude and longitude.

  • Ratings
  • Exhibition

Rewards 4.0

Modern design, fast performance.

Rewards 4.0
Rewards 4.0
Rewards 4.0
Rewards 4.0
Rewards 4.0
Rewards 4.0

Visual 4.0

A modern interface that
privileges the user experience!

Google Calendar
Google Calendar

Description of the event from an agenda integrated in the app and even access the meeting room.

Profile Configuration
Profile Configuration

Your user can insert their profile photo and edit information.

Social Login
Social Login

Users register using the Google or Apple framework. Modern look.


Your channel with an even more professional look inside the app.


Fast and daily messages in your app.

Photo album
Photo album

Users can zoom and interact more with the image!


The listing and display of your episodes have improved layout, improving usability.

Audio gallery
Audio gallery

Your own audio files can be heard as episodes. Simple and informative for your users!


News, likes and more. Everything with a new look.

Google Calendar
Google Calendar

Description of the event from an agenda integrated in the app and even access the meeting room.

Profile Configuration
Profile Configuration

Your user can insert their profile photo and edit information.

Social Login
Social Login

Users register using the Google or Apple framework. Modern look.


Your channel with an even more professional look inside the app.


Fast and daily messages in your app.

Photo album
Photo album

Users can zoom and interact more with the image!


The listing and display of your episodes have improved layout, improving usability.

Audio gallery
Audio gallery

Your own audio files can be heard as episodes. Simple and informative for your users!


News, likes and more. Everything with a new look.

Performance 4.0

We elevate the use of technology to the level you deserve!

Your application has gained a lot of speed in navigation between screens and to access the features!

In the blink of an eye, your user is at
his destination.

See in practice

Get inspired by some examples
built by our team

Digital Business Guide - 4.0 Apps at Fabapp!

In this video you will learn how to create a Commercial Guide app using the new functions such as gps list with ratings and digital loyalty program. You can also use our Virtual Store to create online sales for your advertising customers.

Beauty Clinic - Apps 4.0 at Fabapp!

See now how to create an app for your beauty center or beauty clinic! An app with features to create fans of your business, such as online booking, photo album, evaluation form and more!

Infoproducts - 4.0 apps at Fabapp!

How to create an application to distribute your infoproducts and online courses, including creating a community for engagement. Make a section with the paid video content from the payment confirmation structure and login by approval!

Digital Business Guide - 4.0 Apps at Fabapp!

In this video you will learn how to create a Commercial Guide app using the new functions such as gps list with ratings and digital loyalty program. You can also use our Virtual Store to create online sales for your advertising customers.

Beauty Clinic - Apps 4.0 at Fabapp!

See now how to create an app for your beauty center or beauty clinic! An app with features to create fans of your business, such as online booking, photo album, evaluation form and more!

Infoproducts - 4.0 apps at Fabapp!

How to create an application to distribute your infoproducts and online courses, including creating a community for engagement. Make a section with the paid video content from the payment confirmation structure and login by approval!